Scroll Compressors

Scroll compressors are widely used in home and commercial air-conditioning systems, in heat pumps and in air-conditioning systems for telephone applications and data centres. Capacity ranges are from 2 to more than 100 KW, and consequently their use is not spread in applications with low cooling capacity, where rotary and hermetic reciprocating compressors are preferred, and with very high cooling capacity, where screw and centrifugal compressors are preferred.

Advantages of scroll compressors include smaller dimensions and lower weight than reciprocating compressors of the same capacity, even if higher than rotary compressors. They also have very high efficiency at the design compressor ratio, which however decreases at different working conditions.

Their best feature is low noise operation and reduced vibrations. High efficiency scroll compressors have been also developed fitted with brushless DC motors and driven by inverters.

Scroll compressors SCROLL series - oil-free compressed air station with low noise
Performance class: 4 - 15 kW

ALMiG Scroll compressor SCROLL series
High efficient and oil-free
100% oil-free
Low noise level
Compact construction
Maintenance-friendly design

The new SCROLL series combines creative ingenuity with advanced engineering to provide a top quality, oil-free compressed air solution.

SCROLL series is 100% oil-free and is equipped with a high efficient IE 3 Motor and operates with 61 db(A) (SCROLL 04) at low noise level and low vibration. Due to its compact design the SCROLL series is ideal for limited spaces or to be placed directly at the workplace.

The product range includes delivery volumes of 0,41 – 1,64 m3/min at max. operating pressures of 8 bar. The compressors are fitted with a low-maintenance V-belt drive, which transfers the 4 – 15 kW of power with virtually no losses.

The distance between fix and orbit scrolls has been precisely designed and produced to maximize air delivery.

Inlet valve
Through the inlet valve the intake air is carried into the compressor block. The optimized air flow minimizes the pressure drop and noise level.

The ribbed radiator is designed for a high efficient heat exchange and a low pressure drop. The air flows top down through the radiator to avoid a backflow of condensate.